Covid Care Plan

Regardless of your opinion on the Covid-19 situation, it seems it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. I have come up with some ideas to mitigate the risk of us getting each other sick so that we can keep having fun. In times like these, stress relief is more important than ever! 😉

That being said I understand that some of you will likely be unable to continue in-person visits in the immediate future, either by choice or by necessity. Check out my virtual options to stay connected from afar :)


What I Am Doing to Keep Us Safe:

(Most of these are things I already did prior to the pandemic)

-Avoid unnecessary public outings/ wear a mask when I must be in public places


- Wash my hands upon your arrival

- Use mouthwash upon your arrival

- All commonly touched surfaces in the room will be sanitized before you arrive, including furniture, doorknobs, bathroom, etc.

- The bed will be made with fresh linens and pillowcases.

-Check my temperature every morning. I will check your temperature when you arrive. If it turns out that you have a fever, unfortunately we will have to see each other at a later date. Obviously I will not hold it against you.

(I have an infrared thermometer that can determine your temp without touching you…unless you would rather have me check it somewhere else ;))

-If I feel any symptoms of illness, I will be cancelling planned visits and seeking appropriate medical attention.


What You Can Do To Keep Us Safe:

- If you are feeling any symptoms of illness, please let me know prior to our meeting so we can cancel. I would rather reschedule than risk spreading germs (I know some of you are going to use this as a “get out of jail free card” for canceling last minute but I would rather give people the benefit of the doubt than risk my health. Keep in mind that if you cancel due to being sick or “sick”,  you won’t be able to reschedule until enough time has passed for you to fully recover. Car trouble is always a viable alternative 😜)


-Please wash/sanitize your hands upon arrival (soap/sanitizer is in the bathroom). If you happen to forget I will gently remind you. I know germs and the pandemic are the last things anyone wants to think about at the start of a date but unfortunately this is the hand we’re dealt right now.


-Please use mouthwash upon arrival (provided for your convenience in the bathroom). Several studies* were published showing that some mouthwashes are effective in killing SARS-Cov-2 (another strain of coronavirus) in vitro (meaning in a laboratory setting). However, experts caution that mouthwash cannot “cure” Covid-19 or prevent its transmission. Nonetheless, mouthwash does kill many types of germs in our mouths, at least temporarily. Perhaps more importantly, it makes kissing so much more enjoyable when both parties have fresh breath. Don’t be insulted if I remind you to use it, it doesn’t mean you have bad breath. I would rather not kiss you and then find out you have bad breath, which is why it’s a good idea to swish and rinse before we lock lips ;)


-We should all be wearing masks in public. No matter what your political affiliation or personal views on the pandemic, it can’t hurt to do something as simple as wearing a mask. If there’s even a chance that it can help, why not do it? If you are being a “maskhole” - not wearing a mask as a form of protest- please don’t book with me. (I just wanted an excuse to say “maskhole” haha). It doesn’t personally offend me, but for the sake of people who have families and elderly relatives, let’s make an effort to protect those who are at higher risk, regardless of what side of the political fence we fall on.


- Do your best to keep your body and immune system in good condition: get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, exercise, eat nourishing foods, find healthy outlets for stress ;)


I know life can seem like a bummer right now: winter is coming, no end in sight to the pandemic, the shit show in the government, uncertainty in our jobs and social lives…but this too shall pass. It’s been a long year and at times it can seem like things will never get better. Don’t forget to be grateful for all the blessings in your life! No matter what challenges life throws at us, there’s always something to be grateful for. If nothing else, imagine how much we will appreciate things we previously took for granted once this pandemic is under control. I’m grateful for those of you who always make me smile and have stuck with me through all the madness. Hang in there guys ❤️



Thoughts on Screening